

25th September, 2020

In order to increase the mowing capacity, the number of our lambs has increased to eighteen. This also means a quality change, as we mostly bought dorper sheeps. Dorper is a calm, resistant variety that adapts well to poor growing conditions. It has been breed in South Africa, so it is extremely tolerant of heat, cold, drought and excellent for grazing. During droughts they give birth also on weak pastures and raise the lamb even in aridity. Dorper has now become one of the most common meat-types sheep in Australia thriving also in semi desert conditions, but also overwinters in Canada under a hood protected from wind and snow. It removes its hair so it is not necessary to trim but only to adjust its shape. The meat yield of slaughter animals is around 55%. We are looking forward to reproduction!

21st April, 2020

From today, eight lambs will take care of the environmentally conscious and cost-effective care of the grassy area of the solar power plant.

15th May, 2019

Land register affairs had been completed by the Land Registry Authority. Ownership and use of land had been finally registered.

13th March, 2019

The use permission for the solar power plant has been definitive and become final.

7th of November, 2018

Successful connection to the National Grid. Start of the regular electricity generation under ‘KÁT feed-in tariff’. For monthly production data, see: Production Data page.


16th of August, 2018

Scaffolding is under construction.


30th of July, 2018

Pickets and stakes of metal works and cabel ditch digging works are well under way.


23rd of July, 2018

After lengthy and detailed preparation work a short on-site visit and the transfer ceremony of work area took place at 9:00 a.m. on the Cegléd project site in the presence of the representative of project owners, suppliers and technical inspector engineers. With opening so called Electric Building Logbook (EBL) building works has been officially started.


Current Project

In the frame of Sunshine World Ltd.’s current project a 498,5 kW (607 kWp) solar power plant has been built 3 km from town Cegléd in Pest County, Hungary by the side of the country highway No. 441. The aim of investors is to generate during the next 19 years in the quantities more than 11500 MWh ‘green’ electricity that shall be passed over directly to the regional distribution company (‘NKM Áramszolgáltató’ former ‘DÉMÁSZ’) according to the rules of the Hungarian take over (buy back) and feed-in tariff system (‘KÁT’).

As a result of a two-year long preparation period:

  • 05.04.2016: a permission was given by Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority to the ‘Sunshine Cegléd’ project;
  • Implementation plans and electric network joining plans were elaborated by ‘Sárköz’ Green Plan Ltd. by the end of 2016;
  • 03.04.2017: building permission in force were issued by the Budapest Capital Government Office, with the right for starting the € 675 000 investment till 03.04.2019.
  • 18.09.2017: contract on local electric network joining was signed with regional distribution company (‘DÉMÁSZ’);
  • 14.02.2018: contract on accomplishment was signed with ‘Optimum Solar’ Ltd.
  • 21.06.2018: the loan agreement with UniCredit Bank (EXIM Bank source) has been signed.

This solar power plant is expected to generate over 650 MWh electric power per year on a 3600 m2 wide surface. A solar power plant like this saves over 400 tonnes carbon-dioxid per year. It means that for a CO2 emission reduction like this approximately 65 leaf trees should be planted year by year by Cegléd Local Government Authority.